Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2016

来源: 基金项目管理科



This Call for Proposals (CFP) is formulated and released according to the Regulations on the Management of the Research Fund for International Young Scientists (the Fund) published by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) on December 23, 2014. Host institutions and applicants should prepare and submit proposals for the Fund following the requirements of this CFP.

The Fund supports foreign young scientists to conduct basic research in mainland China in all areas of science, engineering and health research which are covered by NSFC with the aim to promote sustainable academic collaboration and exchanges between Chinese and foreign young scientists. Grantees are also eligible for renewing the Fund once based on review and selection.



Research Fund for International Young Scientists Call for Proposals FY 2016



This Call for Proposals (CFP) is formulated and released according to the Regulations on the Management of the Research Fund for International Young Scientists (the Fund) published by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) on December 23, 2014. Host institutions and applicants should prepare and submit proposals for the Fund following the requirements of this CFP.

The Fund supports foreign young scientists to conduct basic research in mainland China in all areas of science, engineering and health research which are covered by NSFC with the aim to promote sustainable academic collaboration and exchanges between Chinese and foreign young scientists. Grantees are also eligible for renewing the Fund once based on review and selection.



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